The event organized by Confartigianato di Noci and the AIS Puglia, aims to enhance the traditions of the City of Food and Wine through the tasting of many excellent labels of Apulian cellars in the Murgia-Valle d’Itria area, to be combined with the traditional gastronomic dishes of the Murgia dei Trulli, carefully prepared by the Neapolitan restaurateurs.
The ancient village will host for the occasion numerous entertainment events designed for young and old: musical groups, street artists, the village of Santa Claus, Christmas markets. Everything will be made to brighten up your food and wine journey, not giving up the fun. Entertainment for the little ones with Santa, his reindeer and elves with Vivi Christmas in Noci with Santa Claus. And then Christmas in Noci 2018 – Conturband in the streets of the city center, the Christmas Concert of the Freedom Chorus, Christmas in Noci 2018 – All the evil fore. Faraualla in concert, the fall of Santa Claus and Christmas at Noci 2018 – Swing & Soda in concert.
The event will also have two special events inside, the Tannino Tannin tasting on Friday 21 December at 20.30 in the Children’s Museum, Masteclass of 10 wines led by Giuseppe Baldassarre with the final accompaniment of a second prepared by Chef Nicola D ‘Onghia del Miramonte Party and on Saturday 22nd December at 7.00 pm inside the Chiostro delle Clarisse in the ancient village of Noci, will see the organization of a conference on the theme “From the Murgia to the Valle d’Itria: food and wine and tourism for the growth of the territory “that will see the presence, among others of:
Domenico Nisi – Mayor City of Noci
Natale Conforti – Councilor for Productive Activities Municipality of Noci
Antonio Quarato – President Confartigianato Noci
Vito Sante Cecere – President of AIS Puglia
Vincenzo Carrasso – AIS Murgia Delegate
Giuseppe Baldassarre – AIS Speaker Puglia
Giovanni Francesco Stea – Environmental Quality Councilor for the Puglia Region
Michele Peragine – President of Puglia Agri-Food Journalists Association
Lino Carparelli – Winemaker
For information AIS Puglia tel. 080 4949189